What Makes a Good Sales Letter?

How you structure your sales letter is just as important as what you say. Make the letter look appealing to read - or they won't read it.

What makes it appealing? Read on because if you are new to direct marketing, the answers might surprise you.

For example...

1) Headlines on everything! Use a headline on everything you use for marketing your business. And I'm not talking about the "Welcome To Our Home Page" type of headline. Booooring!!! Your prospect will be more turned off than turned on. You have said nothing and offered no reason to keep reading. Online you have 5 seconds to state your case and get them reading before they click away to the next site.

Strong compelling headlines on why they should keep reading...

Discover 5 Easy Ways to Turn Your Website Visitors into Buyers

Learn How to Turn Your Words into Wealth

Warning: If You Are About To Hire a Copywriter - Read This First

Are You Using Illegal Means To Capture New Clients? The Answer Will Surprise You! Read This First Before You Hear From The Government.

And so on.

Headlines will make or break your success online or off... make sure you use them

2) Keep the momentum. After the headline start with a short, snappy lead that feeds off the headline. Your headline must make them want to read the first line - the first line must get them to read the next line - and so on - and so on until they make a purchase, a phone call, sign up for your newsletter, or whatever the goal of the letter is.

Powerful first lines...

It's true. Your website visitors are being wasted and there is a simple way to make them stay and get them buying.


Believe it or not... changing 3 simple words on your web page can increase your sales by up to 470%.


You web designer and copywriters have put your company in a very dangerous legal situation.

Make the solution intriguing and promising they will keep reading.

A few other tips keep them reading...

Indent the first line of each paragraph

Double space between paragraphs

Use short paragraphs (even one sentence paragraphs). Long blocks of text are difficult to read.

Use pauses in your writing, like when you talk. It sounds more natural and connects emotionally with your reader. So use pauses and gaps in your writing as well to flow like we speak. You can use the "-" or "..." to indicate a pause.

Read it out loud. It should sound like you're talking to someone. If you stumble over certain words or structure - redo it until it flows.

Try changing your sales and marketing pieces using these techniques and test to see the results for yourself. You'll be pleasantly surprised.